Interoperett - classical Hungarian and Austrian operetta

Enjoy a rousing performance of classical Hungarian and Austrian operetta, as the Interoperett Dance Group and Soloists of the Interoperett entertain audiences in full traditional dress. The world-renowned Budapest Lehár Orchestra will play from a repertoire of composers including Kálmán, Ábrahám, and Strauss, all taking place in the grand Belvárosi Theater.

For more than 16 years concerts by the internationally recognized Interoperett have been seen by both local and international audiences three times a week from April till October. The performances of Interoperett were held in the concert hall of the Pesti Vigadó for 14 years. After the closure of the Vigadó they found a new home in the beautifully restored building of the Belvárosi Theater opened in the place of the former Film Museum.

During the operette evenings, guests can enjoy the most popular parts of the operette pieces of Kálmán, Lehár, J. Strauss and other well known composers of the genre. Order your ticket from Ticketportal!
